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Meet Your Team

We're in this together.

Do you have a passion for coaching and want to see yourself on this page? We are looking for passionate and uplifting coaches to join our team! 

I know it sounds cliche, but there was a time when I felt like I had tried EVERYTHING to lose weight. For most of my life, I knew that I would be the biggest girl in any room I walked into. I hid beneath baggy t-shirts, trapping my body and my confidence. I was desperate to lose weight just to feel normal. I hated myself. 
Over the years I had tried to lose weight but always over complicated the process. When the 2020 lockdown happened, I knew something felt different. I decided it was time to make a change, an ACTUAL change. I dedicated that entire time to making small lifestyle adjustments to better myself. I never focused on setting a weight loss goal, I just wanted to be healthy and feel good in my body. I lost 130 pounds in 13 months.

It was HARD. Some days were more difficult than others, but I stuck with it and progressed over time. Here I am now. Happier than ever and proud of my transformation. The results I achieved from consistent dedication and mindset shifts are crazy. My biggest reward by far is the person I became along the way. 
When I started my journey, I was on my own. I had no guidance and no support. I share my journey and the knowledge I’ve gained to inspire others to start living happier, healthier lives. Our goal at Liza Marie Fit is to help women build confidence and create healthy, sustainable habits that actually last!

- Liza Marie

Coach Natalie

Bachelor of Exercise Science, ACE Certified Personal Trainer & Group Fitness Instructor

My name is Natalie, and my goal is to help you become the strongest version of yourself! I am currently a NYC-based personal trainer and group fitness instructor. I have my BS in Exercise Science from Hofstra University, as well as a minor in nutrition, and also am an ACE certified group fitness instructor and personal trainer. I have been working in the fitness industry for the last 10 years. Personally, one of the biggest things I have had to overcome in my journey is major shoulder surgery in February 2020. Throughout this process, I gained 30 lbs, lost most of my muscle mass, and had to rebuild my body from the ground up! I really had to dig deep and I want to help you dig deep and find the strongest version of yourself through challenges and struggles! I am passionate about teaching and educating women on proper form and benefits of weight lifting.

Coach Chris

NASM certified personal trainer, corrective exercise specialist, nutrition coach, Precision Nutrition Nutritionist, ISSA Certified Prenatal and Postpartum Fitness Instructor

Hello! My name is Christianna, but you can call me Coach Chris. I am a born and raised Texan, currently living in New Braunfels, TX with my wonderful husband and son. I graduated from UTSA with a bachelor’s degree in Sociology. I am a NASM certified personal trainer, corrective exercise specialist, and nutrition coach. I am also a Precision Nutrition Nutritionist and an ISSA Certified Prenatal and Postpartum Fitness Instructor. I do in person training, online coaching, meal plans, and macro coaching. I spent most of my life struggling with weight and battled a terrible body image and an eating disorder for many years. I never understood WHY it was so hard for me. 7 years ago, everything changed for me when I decided to timidly step foot in a gym and try weightlifting. From that point forward I snowballed into wanting to get STRONG for the first time in my life instead of skinny. I started to fuel my body with food instead of depriving it and began to realize that my confidence and self-worth was in what I could DO and how I felt, not in my weight. I found my home in fitness working with women, particularly moms and expecting mothers, because this was a group, I felt DESERVED to feel their best but rarely had the resources and support to do so. It has become my passion and specialty to help women stay safely active during pregnancy, rebuild their core strength after having babies, build healthier relationships with food, reach their fitness goals, and feel like themselves again. I love hearing every beautiful story of life and motherhood from my clients, and seeing women prioritize themselves and grow mentally, physically and emotionally makes doing this job feel like a dream. I can’t wait to be a part of YOUR story!

Coach Dani

NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor

Hi, my name is Danielle – but please call me Dani! I am originally born and raised in LA but am currently living in NYC where I work as a NASM certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor. I’ve taught at various studios, as well as on some fitness apps, but my home base at the moment is teaching group fitness at Rumble Boxing here in NYC. My passion for working in fitness comes from wanting to help others navigate all the highs and lows that come with a health and fitness journey because I know firsthand how challenging it can be. For me, working out and eating healthy is no longer about looking a certain way (like it used to), it is all about how it makes me feel – strong, powerful, positive. My goal is to help as many people as possible feel all of those things.

Coach Julia

ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

Hi guys, my name is Julia but you can call me Jules. I am a certified ISSA personal trainer and received my bachelor’s degree from the University of Utah in health and nutrition sciences. I am a big nutrition nerd and love making meal plans and getting creative with healthy foods. I focus on holistic nutrition and healing from the inside out. Embodying full wellness from mental, emotional, and physical has been key in my own weight loss and health journey, and I hope to be able to inspire you all. I’m originally from Las Vegas and have danced, cheered, and did gymnastics since I was 3. Due to the pressure of the entertainment world, I developed a lot of body image issues which led me into a binge-eating cycle and trying everything to look and be fit! Through a lot of personal trial and error, I learned being consistent is key, loving yourself and being proud of each step you take to a healthier life and finding joy in the journey. I am also a professional makeup artist – mainly for brides – which I love! On my spare time, I am usually dancing, singing, working out, or going out with friends.

Coach Karla

NASM certified personal trainer

Hi! My name is Karla Henriquez. I am born and raised in the amazing New York City. I have been NASM CPT for 1 year. I live my life every day by trying to be the person I needed when I was younger. My favorite workouts include HIIT, boxing, Pilates, yoga, and strength training. My long-term goal is to open a boutique fitness gym of my own one day.

Chef Kenzie

Hey! I’m Chef Kenzie.  Cooking is my hobby, nutrition is my passion. I love combining the two to make a healthy lifestyle more enjoyable and sustainable by incorporating bold flavors. I have done nutrition coaching and dietary management for several years, and I am so excited to help Liza’s team in this way. When I’m not building macro friendly recipes, I am working on my food truck, crushing my own fitness journey, and raising a family in beautiful northern Utah.

Coach Katie

Bachelor's degree in exercise science

Hi, my name is Katie! I graduated in 2014 with my bachelor’s in exercise science. I have always had a passion for helping people love and accept themselves and for rooting women on! I am a mom, and I see firsthand the struggles that come with being a parent but still trying to find time to take care of yourself. I am a client turned coach, and I can say wholeheartedly that I believe in this program. I cannot wait to cheer you on as you go on this journey to health because you are worth it!

Coach Kaylee

Certified Personal Trainer

My name is Kaylee Horn. I am local to New Braunfels, TX. I am a certified personal training and health coach, NPC fitness competitor, a wife & mother of 3 beautiful boys ages 9, 5 & 3.
I started my own health journey in 2020 when I  lost over 40lbs, and gained all the self love for myself. Fitness and health have completely transformed who I am today and I am so thankful it has brought me here to the Liza Marie Fit crew.

Coach Francesca

NASM Certified Personal trainer

Francesca was born in Moscow, PA where she began training in dance. After moving to Florida, she continued training pre-professionally in classical ballet at Naples Academy of Ballet, eventually pursuing her college degree in Tampa, FL. As a dance major, Francesca worked with artists such as Joshua L. Peugh and Bliss Kohlmeyer and received multiple grants. Francesca has attended professional dance workshops, taught various dance styles for five years as she worked towards her B.F.A. After college, Francesca performed as a freelance dancer with Asheville Ballet, Tampa City Ballet, and Naples Ballet. During the summer of 2022, she pursued her NASM personal training certification and now works as a certified personal trainer both in-person online, specializing in strength and mobility.

Coach Amanda

Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach

Heyyy! I’m Amanda. I am originally from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania but moved to East Tennessee in 2014. I didn’t grow up wanting to be in the fitness field. It wasn’t even on my radar. I got diagnosed with PCOS at 18 years old and lived a roller coaster of dieting for as long as I can remember. I finally found Liza in November 2022 and signed up as a client. My journey with her sparked my passion for helping other women just like me. I quickly got my certification as a personal trainer and nutrition coach and now I cannot be more grateful to pursue my passion.

Coach Ariana

NASM certified personal trainer

My name is Ariana and I am so excited to help you become the best version of you! I am currently living in NYC and am a personal trainer. My favorite types of workouts are HIIT, boxing, and strength training! I am certified through NASM for personal training, and am working to complete courses in nutrition and corrective exercise, as well as behavior change. I have struggled with self-esteem issues and weight gain for the last decade of my life, and have been working hard on my own journey to put my best foot forward, making positive lifestyle changes, and most importantly, believing in myself. Believe me when I say, I know what it is like to be a version of yourself that you no longer recognize, or don’t feel proud of. I wanted to be better for my future self, and I pushed myself to lose 40 lbs, lose fat and gain muscle through exercise, and challenge myself to take on new and surprising challenges. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and ran the 2022 NYC Marathon. If you had told past me, a girl who did not care about taking care of herself, and definitely did not believe she could ever run more than one mile, I would have laughed at the idea of ever running a marathon. I am proud to say that through hard work, determination, and trust in myself that I can take on this challenge, I was able to believe in myself and run 26.2 miles! I want to be able to help you through your toughest challenges. I want to help you believe in yourself, become determined and strive to succeed to be the best version of you for future you! I am extremely passionate about teaching and helping others reach their goals. You can follow me on Instagram @ArianaXGuido and we can connect there! I can’t wait to speak and work with you all! XOXO

Coach Kassi

Bachelor's degree in Exercise Science and ACSM certified personal trainer

Hi! I’m Kassi Summers, and I’m from Utah! I grew up playing sports, with volleyball being my favorite. I was able to play in college, which was the best experience ever! I realized early in my high school career that I loved the workouts we did before practice. I’m a super competitive person and I loved pushing myself to my absolute limits to see what I could accomplish! Ever since I was little, I knew I wanted to have a career that had to do with health. I originally wanted to be a dietitian but quickly realized that exercise was what I really loved! I love staying active by lifting, attending spin and high fit classes (hoping to become a spin instructor soon!), being in the mountains with my husband, playing all sports, and I love a good walk!!
I currently coach volleyball at a local high school and club! I also used to work at iFit producing live workouts for users around the world! I have an Exercise Science degree from Utah State University and have a personal training certificate through ACSM. I’m very passionate about fitness and health, and I love being a part of Liza’s team!

Coach Courtney

NASM/AFAA certified personal trainer

Hi, my name is Courtney, and I am a certified personal trainer. Fitness has always been a huge portion of my life, and I now have the opportunity to share that with so many amazing people. Along with assisting Liza, I additionally teach Pilates and rebounder classes at a local studio. I love getting to interact and help so many people through their fitness journey and show them not just the physical benefit a healthy lifestyle can have but also the mental benefit!

Coach Madi

ACE certified health coach & personal trainer

Hi, my name is Madison, but most people call me Madi! I am from Northern Utah. I am a lover of all things outdoors including rock climbing, mountain biking (thanks to my hubby), and hiking! I grew up as a competitive gymnast, which is where I fell in love with strength training and being strong! Lifting weights is still my favorite! During my teenage years & early twenties, I struggled with binge eating disorder and body dysmorphia. I desperately tried diet after diet, in hopes of losing weight and finally loving myself. It wasn’t until I went to therapy for my eating disorder + worked with a health coach that I realized the most important thing I can do is create a healthy lifestyle! I learned to fall in love with the journey and how to love myself at any size! Learning and working with my therapist & coach inspired me to become certified so I could help other people like me. I quickly got my health coaching & personal trainer certification. I graduated from Utah State University with a degree in Human Development with hopes of becoming a therapist, but the health and fitness industry kept calling my name! I couldn’t be more grateful to be a part of Liza’s team! Being a coach allows me to combine my two favorite passions, helping people + health & fitness.
I would love to connect with you on my Instagram

Coach Kaelyn

ACE Certified Personal Trainer

Hi there, I’m Kaelyn! I am originally from San Antonio, Texas, and currently live in Brooklyn, New York. I grew up as a gymnast and dancer, and my love for movement brought me to the fitness industry in 2018. I am an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Pilates, and Lagree instructor. I want to celebrate all of your small wins with you because every small win equals big progress! My goal is to help you realize just how strong you are, both physically and mentally. During the day, you can find me teaching Lagree classes at SLT (Strengthen Lengthen Tone), reading a good book, or snuggling with my dog, Kona.

Coach Megan

NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Hi! My name is Megan McGillicuddy, and I am originally from Castle Rock, Colorado, and now live in New York City. Growing up I was a gymnast and a dancer. Through my experience in these sports I developed a deep-rooted love for physical activity and well-being. Today, I hold a certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) as a personal trainer. As both an online and in-person coach in the city, I am dedicated to helping individuals transform their lives. Beyond one-on-one sessions, I also teach group fitness classes. My favorite ways to move are going on walks, boxing and lately megaformer pilates classes! I am so excited to be able to guide and support each of you in becoming the best version of yourselves!!

Coach Taylor

Certified Personal Trainer

Hi, I’m Taylor! I’m from Central Indiana, but have a major wanderlust heart. I’m a mom of two girls, 4 and 7. I love being outdoors and would rather be hiking.
I grew up overweight as a kid and spent the majority of my 20s obese, struggling with severe anxiety and binge eating; then adding in nasty postpartum depression for a really hard season in my life. After hitting rock bottom, I finally was able to take control of my life in 2020 and lose 130 pounds. I dived deep into learning how to care for my body and health. I learned to fuel my body properly through tracking macros and found happiness again through movement. After my weight-loss I found a massive passion for strength training and the way it made me feel empowered for the first time in my life. Finding my place in the gym really helped me reconnect with a version of myself that I thought I’d lost.
The rest is really history, my past experiences lead me exactly to where I am with a passion to help others find their joy in health & wellness. I feel really blessed to have to opportunity to be apart of Liza’s team and connect with so many amazing people like you!

Reach out and connect with me anytime on my Instagram!

Coach Sydnie

ACE CPT and Bachelors in Kinesiology: Exercise Science

Hi, my name is Sydnie and I am from Utah! I thrive when I am hiking, rock climbing, camping, trail running or paddle boarding out on the lake! I grew up playing sports and being active and have always had a love for pushing myself in physical activities. I used to struggle with overeating non nutritious foods and had to work my way through that. I fell in love with health & fitness once I realized it’s a lifestyle, not a short restrictive diet & once I saw what taking care of my physical health did for my mental health. Fitness has changed my life completely and I have such a passion to help others feel like their best selves. I have had my struggles along the way trying to figure out how to have a successful journey and learned to be where my feet are. I’m excited to help you all learn to build habits/routines that work for you!

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